The affiliate program allows you to create your passive income and increase the power of the project. Other benefits are detailed below.
Our team has developed an affiliate program that will stimulate long-term cooperation between partners.
Progressive referral rank system, the work of the referral system via active turnover, 3 referral levels of commissions and openness to custom offers of the affiliate program makes our cooperation and joint work very effective
To participate in the our affiliate program you should have an active deposit which you can close early at any time.
At launch stage $500 deposit limit work. Your deposit limit is increased by the amount of your active lvl 1 turnover.
If you have an active level 1 turnover of $1000 or more, you will be able to update your interest rate to a new higher one every Monday.
Our affiliate program works via the values of active team turnover. You can check your active turnover in the dashboard.